Writing and publishing your own book opens up a world of opportunity for you in the book, article, podcast, and speaking spaces. I have almost twenty years of experience in these areas. As your ghostwriter and guide, I can help you find and land opportunities and can help you thrive in those opportunities, ensuring your message continues to spread.

I have written award-winning and bestselling books and contributed to many others both traditionally published and self-published.
I have worked with editors, publishers, designers, marketers, and publicists and can help you effectively navigate this space with confidence.

I have published nearly 400 articles and posts in venues as varied as The New York Times, Runners World, Christianity Today, Deadspin, and Brain Child. I have also worked as a contributing writer for multiple websites and magazines.
I’ve learned vital skills that can help you become a sought-after voice in your field, potentially leading to magazine, newspaper, or journal by-lines.

I have been a guest on over 30 podcasts and radio shows.
I have learned what it takes to be a good guest, even a repeat guest, and can help you pitch, land, and enjoy sharing your message in podcast and radio formats.

I have spoken dozens of times, even internationally, though not all are recorded.